Inspire inclusion

CUF wants to be an increasingly inclusive company, promoting and supporting social and professional integration projects for people with disabilities or who are socio-economically vulnerable.


Our initiatives:


Member of Inclusive Community Forum

A Nova SBE initiative dedicated to the lives of people with disabilities that aims to promote a more inclusive community. We are among the 24 national companies that have signed the commitment for the employability of people with disabilities.


Training programme for inclusion.

CUF has developed a training programme for attracting talent and for the employability of people with disabilities, and promotes awareness-raising actions among its employees.


Visão Braille Magazine

CUF supports the Braille edition of Visão magazine, distributed free to the blind community in Portugal and distributed in special schools.  


Portuguese Sign Language Service

Our customers have access to a video call service in Portuguese Sign Language through the Deaf Citizen Portal (video interpretation service).